C.A.D.R.E. intends to help adults with disabilities in the long term.
A few weeks ago, the association C.A.D.R.E. (Centre d’Aide au Développement et Recherche d’Emancipation, Development assistance center and Emancipation Pursuit), ordered us a wooden structure in order to build an apiary in Cligneval, up above Malmedy.
C.A.D.R.E. intends to build a pedagogical farm which will eventually receive up to 25 adults with disabilities during the day. Subsequently, the aim is to offer those persons a residential care. The association works without grants and is trying to finance the project with its own funds.
We were moved by this project and by the involvement of the association’s volunteers. That is why we decided to take part in the “bricks” operation by offering 500 bricks, that is to say a 1000€ cheque . You want to learn more about the “bricks” operation? Visit the C.A.D.R.E. website.
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