Peter Müller is your partner for all forest fencing. We can offer appropriate advice on fences, that stop deer and provide maximum protection.
Fences for sheep, game or metal fencing against wild boar: Every type of fencing is different. We must develop thoroughly the placement of the posts, the type of trellis, its height, etc. according to the purpose of the fence.
Posts – at the basis of a solid fence
The selection of posts is the first stage of planning of a fence – for farming or forest protection purposes. Usually our choice would be peeled posts from local spruce, special for their excellent balance of quality and price.
In order to guarantee the long life of the fence for sheep or game, we would advise impregnation of the posts. Impregnation under pressure in autoclave, as applied during the eco-friendly salt impregnation DeepProtect treatment by Peter Müller, gives the best results. Thanks to this procedure, the salt penetrates deeply the sapwood – the impregnable part of the wood – and that way guarantees its optimum protection.
Wire netting – choosing according to the fence
Always choose a galvanized wire netting - whereby the mesh is covered in a thin layer of zinc that protects the fence from corrosion. That type of netting offers maximum reliability.
The diameter of the wire and the size of the links should be used according to the function of your fence. Moreover, the positioning of the vertical cords is different depending on the animal.
Assembly – crucial stage aimed at ensuring the reliability of the fence
Once all parts of the fence are put together, it is necessary now to put it up.
There as well, all depends on the function of the netting. In general terms our advice is to install the post every 3 meters. A third of the posts’ height should be underground, so that it resists the pulls and pushes of the animals. The professional installers have at their disposal machines specially designed for this job – a proof of reliability that allows to save time.
Following that, the netting is firmly attached to the posts. In order to complete and perfect the fence for game and ensure further its stability, a wooden rail is sticked on top of each post. It represents a visual obstacle that deters the animals from crossing the fence.
If we have a wire netting against wild boar, our advice is to add barbed wire at ground level, to prevent the boar from passing under the mesh. That specific wire should be very straight and tight, so that it resists the potential assault of those powerful animals. In order to ensure the strength of that tightness, we also advise the positioning of a smaller post in-between the main posts.
It is also possible to allow openings in certain places of the forest fencing to offer free passage for deer without however letting out any boar or badgers.
Peter Müller, specialist in forrest and agricultural fences
The company Peter Müller has long experience in mounting all types of wood fencing, with or without netting. Truly passionate in the knowledge of all wood travails, Peter Müller and its partners produce and impregnate the posts and rails that would represent the cornerstones for each different fence.
Known and appreciated for its expertise and the quality of its products, the company Peter Müller is available for any further information.
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